Building Innovation: Who’s the 2024 Exceptional Woman in Building?
This document proposes to develop and demonstrate a set of public and private incentives to owners of buildings and other infrastructure to facilitate the upgrade of existing infrastructure and better design of new infrastructure. America's growing disaster liability costs the nation $100 billion annually and grows 6% per year, 10 times faster than the population. NIBS' study Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves shows pre-disaster mitigation activities save society much more than they cost, but people have not heavily invested in mitigation, partly because owners bear the cost but receive only a small part of the benefit. The authors—resilience thought leaders from a broad coalition of public and private organizations—propose to develop of a set of incentives by which finance, insurance, real estate, and government infrastructure stakeholders share more fairly the mitigation costs. Incentives can be built into mortgages, insurance policies, tax incentives, grants, and other mechanisms. The authors propose to demonstrate the incentives in pilot communities and institutionalize them for broad implementation through a national mitigation assistance program.
Pages: 33
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