Building Innovation: Who’s the 2024 Exceptional Woman in Building?
The passage of H.R.3684 – the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act or the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – ensures daily commutes across metropolitan cities and small towns will be improved.
The law includes $1.2 trillion in total funding, reauthorizing surface transportation programs for five years and investing $110 billion in funding. The bill also guarantees $89.9 billion for public transit over the next five years between reauthorizations and new funding.
It reminds us of the strong link between water and climate change.
Adapting to the water effects of climate change will protect health and save lives, says United Nations Water (UN-Water), which coordinates the efforts of UN entities and international organizations working on water and sanitation issues.
WWD infographicEveryone has a role to play, and in the built environment, it’s our infrastructure that brings water in to our homes and cities.
Using water more efficiently will reduce greenhouse gases.