In this report, the Institute’s Council on Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (CFIRE) issued findings and recommendations on the…
Resiliency has become a growing concern in the national psyche. President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding…
The process of commissioning the enclosure follows a similar process as other building systems. However, commissioning the enclosure…
Fresh water is a finite, essential resource. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that 36 states expect to experience local,…
When adopted by jurisdictions, codes and standards represent the community’s expectations for the protection of the health, safety and…
Buildings are complex and becoming more so as owners and policymakers demand particular levels of performance. The focus is no longer…
Given the gravity of manmade and natural hazard events of the last decade, designing buildings that not only offer resistance, but…
On September 25, 2008, the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences appointed a Task Group to review the…
In December 1968, the United States Federal Government’s National Commission on Urban Problems sounded an alarm. The Commission had…
The United States enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world. One contributing component of this standard of living is…