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Webinar: Introduction to the 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples

The 2020 National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Chart (FEMA P-2192) have been developed by the NIBS Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to illustrate and explain some of the new changes in the 2020 NEHRP Provisions, ASCE/SEI 7-22, and the material design standards referenced.

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Resilience 2021: The Pandemic’s Impact on Technology in the Built Environment

The COVID-19 crisis presented architecture, engineering and construction companies, and code departments with an enormous challenge: transitioning an industry long reliant on personal relationships and in-person connections to a remote, digital environment. Like other hands-on sectors, builders and other trades can’t ply their trades over Zoom.

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The National Institute of Building Sciences is authorized by the U.S. Congress to serve the public interest as the essential forum for discussing issues and identifying opportunities within the building community. The NIBS Consultative Council assembles high-level building community leaders to make collective recommendations directly to policymakers – and by NIBS to the President of the United States – to improve our nation’s buildings and infrastructure.


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BIM Council Priorities: Partnerships, National BIM Standard–US V4 and the U.S. National BIM Program

When it comes to working out details for the National BIM Standard – United States Version 4, figuring out how it easily can be applied in contracts has become a bit of a mantra.

“NBIMS has always had different chapters,” said John Messner, Chair of the U.S. National BIM Standard and professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State, during the BIM Council’s semi-annual meeting on June 9. “You’ll see parts of NBIMS v4 coming out this year. But it’ll be much more modular … clear, concise and shovel-ready, so it can be implemented.”

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Building Codes: The Science that Shows They Work and Why They Are So Important

Feb 23, 2025   |   4:05 PM – 4:05 PM ET
FEMA Region 5 presents the next webinar in the Strategic Partnerships Series. May is Building Safety Month, so we are bringing you two experienced professionals in the area of building codes research, building codes adoption and setting your sights on resilience.
Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) Standardization
View of bridge

Project Description

IFC Bridge Design to Construction Information Exchange (U.S.) was developed under contract to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration by the National Institute of Building Sciences...

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  • CLIENT U.S. FHWA Office of Bridges and Structures
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U.S. National BIM Program

Project Description

The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) proposes to lead the development and dissemination of a next-generation information standard for the built environment. The U.S. National Building Information Management Program will build on the work of the NIBS BIM Council...

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  • DATE

2019 Moving Forward: Findings and Recommendations from the Consultative Council

NIBS serves as the unbiased forum for discussing issues and identifying opportunities within the building community. The NIBS Consultative Council assembles high-level building community representatives to make collective recommendations directly to policymakers to improve our nation’s buildings and infrastructure.


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Report on Building Rating and Certification in the U.S. Building Community

On September 25, 2008, the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences appointed a Task Group to review the current systems in use across the United States for rating and certifying building performance and accrediting individual expertise. The Task Group was charged by the Board to seek input on these issues from a broad range of participants in the building sector as well as the developers and managers of these systems.


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